Abstract & Paper Submission

Paper & Abstract Submission  

Thank you for your interest in contributing your work to RehabWeek 2025. Each RehabWeek conference has its own submission process, including their own set of instructions. Please search below for the relevant conference to find their respective paper/abstract instructions and submission platforms. 

Please note that while you are welcome to submit different work to different RehabWeek conferences, we cannot accept double submissions of the same work to multiple RehabWeek conferences. 

We look forward to receiving your submissionsby November 22, 2024 (11.59pm Central Daylight Time (CDT)). Corresponding authors will be informed about the acceptance or rejection of their submission no later than February 1, 2025. All presenting authors must have paid the full registration fee by February 24, 2025 in order for their submission to definitely be included in the program. 

ACRM Abstract Submission

We are very much looking forward to RehabWeek from 12-16 May 2025 in Chicago! We cordially invite you to participate by submitting your work and by taking the opportunity to discuss it and learn from RehabWeek attendees from different professional backgrounds.

Please click the below button to submit your Symposia abstract.

Symposia abstract submissions

Please click the below button to submit your Poster abstract.

Poster abstract submissions

Submission DEADLINE is November 22, 2024. There will be NO EXTENSIONS to this deadline!

The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) welcomes submissions from all rehabilitation professionals on all topics related to rehabilitation technology and interventions.
We are especially interested in the areas of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), data analytics, technology transfer, intellectual property protection and management, investor engagement strategies and practices, mobile applications and other innovative rehabilitation technologies, and user centered design.

19th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR)

May 12–16, 2025, Chicago, USA

Submission Guidelines / Call for papers

Welcome to the 19th IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2025), the biannual conference on theoretical and experimental issues in the fields of Rehabilitation Robotics and Neuroscience. ICORR covers several disciplines with both theoretical and experimental challenges in robotics, control engineering, and neuroscience applied to healthcare. Focuses include cutting edge solutions to boost the rehabilitation process, providing robotic assistance to address and speed motor recovery, and trying to unveil mechanisms underlying brain plasticity. Enabling better societal inclusion, as well as improving independence and quality of life, are the main goals we aim to achieve, with the purpose of providing health systems with technological instruments to assist human beings in prevention, diagnosis, rehabilitation, and personal assistance.

ICORR is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.

Invited Scientific Themes

Papers in the following areas are invited for submission:

  • Rehabilitation and Assistive Robotics
  • Therapeutic Robotics
  • Human-Machine Interfaces for Rehabilitation
  • Robotics in prosthetics /orthotics
  • Hardware/control developments
  • Evaluation methods & Clinical Experience
  • Biorobotics and Biomimetics
  • Sensorimotor Control and Learning
  • Clinical adoption
  • Socially interactive robotics

Organizing Committee:

Conference Chair: James Patton

Program Co-chairs: Jon Sensinger, Ana Luisa Trejos

Conference Committee: Mohamed Bouri, Simona Crea, Myunghee Kim, Olivier Lambercy, Heike Vallery

Important dates:

September 22, 2024:        Opening of the ICORR paper submission system

October 11, 2024:                 Workshop submission deadline

November 22, 2024:         ICORR paper submission deadline

February 1, 2025:                 Paper acceptance notification

February 22, 2025:           Final paper submission

April 4, 2025:                     Early bird registration deadline

May 12, 2025:                          Conference starts


Submission guidelines:

Papers must be in IEEE format up to 6 pages, with the option of up to 8 pages with an extra charge of $150 per page. Templates can be found here: https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html

Papers will be submitted via PaperPlaza: http://ras.papercept.net/conferences/scripts/start.pl

For further information, please visit

ICORR Information: http://icorr-c.org/news/icorr-2025-chicago/

Rehab Week Information: www.rehabweek.org/


Best paper awards will be selected from authors who indicate their interest in being considered at the time of paper submission. Award finalists must attend the conference to present in person.



Short Name: IFESS 2025

Conference Name: IFESS 2025: International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society 2025 (part of RehabWeek 2025)

Conference website:            https://www.rehabweek.org

Submission Link:                   TBD (to be opened by September 23, 2024)

Abstract submission deadline:         November 22, 2024

Abstract registration deadline:         February 25, 2025


The International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS) invites you to submit contributions to our Annual Conference which will take place in Chicago as part of RehabWeek 25 between the 12-16 May 2025.

IFESS is a member-based, not-for-profit community and association dedicated to creating a future in which electrical stimulation technologies and therapies enhance the quality of life.

We have been promoting the awareness, knowledge, and understanding of electrical stimulation technologies and their application since 1995. We bridge research, application, and healthcare to enhance quality of life through advocacy, education, organization of international scientific meetings, and facilitation of inter-professional collaborations through our unique community of clinicians, scientists, and engineers.

Submission Guidelines

All contributions must be original and while you are welcome to submit different contributions to different RehabWeek societies, the same work may only be submitted to one of the RehabWeek societies. Please do not submit the same work to different RehabWeek societies.

IFESS will be accepting scientific contributions one page long, prepared according to the following template. Manuscripts must be submitted in electronic form as a PDF and Word document.

List of Topics

  • Targeted stimulation approaches
  • New strategies for FES
  • Neural mechanisms of neuromodulation
  • Controversies in electrical stimulation
  • Closed loop neuromodulation and neuroprosthetics
  • Optimization of stimulation approaches. Clinical guidelines and efficacy in the clinic
  • Hybrid robotic-stimulation approaches
  • Neural implants and commercialization
  • Epidural and transcutaneous spinal stimulation
  • Brain-computer interfacing, augmented reality, gaming, and FES
  • FES for the recovery of non-motor functional outcomes (i.e., autonomic nervous system)
  • End-user perspectives and quality of life
  • Stimulation of denervated muscles


Please specify if you would like your contribution to be considered for an oral or poster presentation.


IFESS accepted contributions will be published in Artificial Organs (only online) as conference proceedings. In addition, your submissions will be made available to all RehabWeek attendees during the conference in electronic form.

We will also organize a special issue in Artificial Organs where invited contributions will have an opportunity to be submitted for consideration as a peer-reviewed full journal paper. Please indicate in the submission form if you would be interested in having your submission considered for this special issue.

Vodovnik Award

The Vodovnik Award will be presented to the three best student IFESS member papers (1st, 2nd and 3rd place) at IFESS 2025. All student submissions participating in the Vodovnik paper competition should be student members of IFESS, undergraduate or graduate students (up to and including doctorate student: PhD, MD, DVM, etc.), and is the first author on the contribution. The student must attend the conference and provide the presentation to be eligible for this award.


All questions about submissions should be emailed to ifess25@ifess.org


INRS@RehabWeek Abstract Submission Form

Submission Link: https://forms.gle/qNjyZ4MyorPXapuZ8

We are very much looking forward to RehabWeek and INRS 2025 from May 12th to 16th in Chicago! We cordially invite you to participate by submitting your work and by taking the opportunity to discuss it and learn from RehabWeek attendees from different professional backgrounds.

The abstract/paper submission is handled by each RehabWeek society/conference individually. Please note that while you are welcome to submit different projects to different RehabWeek conferences, the same work may only be submitted to one of the conferences. Please do not submit the same work to different conferences, be respectful of the reviewer’s time, thank you!

The poster session will take place in the same place as the exhibition and the catering. There will be a dedicated poster viewing and judging session in the main program, and poster presenters will also be expected to be present at their posters during certain coffee and lunch breaks (depending on the society to which you submit). Poster presenters are expected to be registered for the conference, otherwise, their poster will be removed from the program.
The top scientific INRS submissions will be selected for the poster fast forward sessions and asked to present their poster in 60 seconds during the conference. They will be eligible for the RehabWeek poster awards. Clinical posters are currently not eligible for the poster award.

INRS will be accepting two different types of abstracts:
1) Scientific Abstracts. These are your typical conference abstracts about ongoing or completed research that has to do with the CLINICAL APPLICATION OF REHABILITATION TECHNOLOGY, i.e. reports on studies in which people with physical disabilities train with technology to regain function, activities or the ability to participate in society. Examples of such technologies can be found here:
2) Clinical Abstracts. These posters are submitted by clinicians who have something to share that could benefit other attendees. These posters are NOT about research or scientific studies (but also not commercial promotion), but nevertheless information that is of interest to the people in this field. Examples could be a report about how a device, or several devices, were successfully integrated into a clinic, about an educational program that the clinic is conducting, about sharing a treatment plan, about how they managed to receive reimbursement for technology supported training or similar stories. Please note that the topic of these posters should still be about rehabilitation technology! No general clinical topics will be accepted. Please note that posters commercially promoting a specific device will not be accepted. Companies wishing to promote their devices should get in contact with Kenes M+ to talk about sponsoring or exhibition opportunities. In the clinical abstract category, we expect submissions from practicing clinicians, that are neutral and provide both advantages and disadvantages of a device if they describe a clinical experience.

All abstracts can be up to 2000 characters long including spaces. You can add up to three references. Abstracts have to be submitted through this form. You will submit it as plain text into the text fields, we will take care of the formatting. PLEASE adhere closely to the instructions of each field!

Submission DEADLINE is November 22nd 2024. There will be NO EXTENSIONS to this deadline!

INRS only accepts submissions for POSTERS, not PLENARY PRESENTATIONS.

INRS abstracts will not be published but made available to all RehabWeek attendees in electronic form.

Thank you for understanding that only complete submissions can be accepted.

ISVR Rehabweek 2025 Abstract Submission

The International Society for Virtual Rehabilitation will be joining RehabWeek 2025 in Chicago on 12-16 May 2025. This congress will provide an in-depth presentation of novel technologies and clinical developments in the field of virtual reality (VR), extended reality (XR) and associated topics applied to rehabilitation. Researchers, clinicians, and technology experts will meet, share experiences, and plan for the future. We invite submissions for orals and posters presentations covering a wide range of VR/XR-related topics, including:

  • VR/XR for Physical Rehabilitation
  • VR/XR for Cognitive Rehabilitation
  • VR/XR for Pain Management
  • VR/XR for Psychological Treatment
  • Exergaming and Serious Games for Rehabilitation
  • Brain computer interfaces and machine learning
  • Artificial intelligence related to virtual rehabilitation
  • Tele-rehabilitation
  • Haptic interfaces
  • Regulatory & Legal Aspects of VR/XR
  • Knowledge Translation & Educational Aspects of VR/XR


  • Submission deadline: November 22, 2024
  • Notification of the review decision: Mid-February 2025
  • Deadline for registration of at least one author: February 24, 2025

Submission Guidelines

Potential presenters will be accepted based on a peer-review of the submitted abstract. You will have the option to submit your abstract to be considered for a poster or an oral presentation.


There are two options for the abstract submission. You will have the option to select the option you prefer when you submit your abstract. 

  1. Poster presentation: 1-2 pages. You may include ONE image, figure, chart, or table.
  2. Podium presentation: 3-5 pages. You may include up to FOUR images, figures, charts, or tables.


Regardless of the option chosen, the abstracts should meet the following criteria:

  • Authors are asked to organize their abstract with the following sections: background, methodology, results, and conclusion. 
  • All abstracts should be formatted according to the template provided.
  • Submissions should describe original and unpublished work with substantial results or novel methods or techniques.
  • All submissions should also include the title, names of all the authors, affiliations and e-mail addresses. *The presenting author should be identified with an asterisk.
  • Presenting authors must be registered participants.
  • All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.

Further details on abstract submission will be provided closer to the submission date.


  • Proceedings will be made available to conference attendees.
  • Proceedings will become part of the International Society of Virtual Rehabilitation archives and will be provided with a DOI.
  • Selected submissions will be invited to submit a full-length manuscript for consideration for publication in a one or more special issues in relevant journal(s). More information will be provided on this in due course of time.


More information to be available soon.