ACRM Abstract Submission
We are very much looking forward to RehabWeek from 12-16 May 2025 in Chicago! We cordially invite you to participate by submitting your work and by taking the opportunity to discuss it and learn from RehabWeek attendees from different professional backgrounds.
Please click the below button to submit your Symposia abstract.
Please click the below button to submit your Poster abstract.
Submission DEADLINE is November 22, 2024. There will be NO EXTENSIONS to this deadline!
The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) welcomes submissions from all rehabilitation professionals on all topics related to rehabilitation technology and interventions.
We are especially interested in the areas of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), data analytics, technology transfer, intellectual property protection and management, investor engagement strategies and practices, mobile applications and other innovative rehabilitation technologies, and user centered design.