Apply to host RehabWeek!

The RehabWeek is a week-long event that brings together different conferences in the field of rehabilitation technology at the same time and place in order to foster cross-disciplinary communication and the development of relationships between different players.

The following five international core societies form the umbrella society “The International Consortium for Rehabilitation Technology (ICRT)”, which is the official owner and organizer of the RehabWeek:

  • The International Consortium on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR),
  • The International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS),
  • The International Industry Society in Advanced Rehabilitation Technology (IISART),
  • The International Society for Virtual Rehabilitation (ISVR), and
  • The MotusAcademy (MA).

If you would like to bring this amazing congress to your institution and city, please don’t hesitate to contact us! We are accepting bids for 2027 now. The winner will be announced during the 2025 closing ceremony in Chicago.

Successful bids tend to come from groups of people that have strong ties to several of the core societies. Ideally, local organizing committee members include established members of the core societies. Usually, local organizers are well known in the field of rehabilitation technology and have contributed as a researcher, clinician, engineer or industry representative. Members of the local organizing committee are regular attendees and contributors of past RehabWeeks.

The participation of national and international organizations (Guest Societies) is one of the important features of RehabWeek. This includes specifically the participation of national/international clinical/medical organizations interested in physical medicine and rehabilitation and technology. Successful bids can show the support of such potential guest societies.

RehabWeek does not follow a strict pattern with regards to the continent on which the congress takes place. While we do try to alternate between Europe, Asia and the Americas, we put more emphasis on other aspects, such as how connected the local organizers are to the core societies, the availability of an adequate conference venue or how easily it can be reached from different parts of the world.

Sincerely, for the ICRT
Thierry Keller, Chair
Martina Spiess, Secretary

If you are interested in organizing the RehabWeek, please enter your information in the form below