ISVR – International Society for Virtual Rehabilitation
What is the society’s main goal?
ISVR’s main purpose the encouragement of research in, education in, advocacy of, and improved collaboration between researchers, clinicians, industry and policy makers with regard to, virtual rehabilitation and tele-rehabilitation.
Is there a personal story behind the establishment of the society?
Established in 2009, initial membership of the Society was comprised from regular attendees at two conference series ICVR (International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation) and ICDVRAT (International Conference on Disability Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies) but its membership has now expanded much wider than this both in its membership ‘and in its affiliations with other conferences (ICRAN, ITAG, Laval Virtual) and organizations (IISART, XR4Rehab).
Why did your society decide to take part in the RehabWeek?
Over the last decade ISVR has participated in multiple RehabWeek events because we recognize the shared goal of advancing health care through advancing science and technology.
Why is RehabWeek unique and why should people attend?
The opportunity to attend a meeting with leading researchers, technologists, and clinicians, who all share a passion for cutting-edge solutions to patient care is a unique interdisciplinary opportunity that can’t be found elsewhere.
What do you think will be the next big issue in the field? Why?
VR and AR are finally accessible and affordable to all. How can we facilitate adoption of virtual rehabilitation into the clinical pipeline to maximize patient outcomes, increase clinician efficiency, and reduce cost healthcare costs.
Any success story you would like to share?
See the ISVR newsletter for great stories about use of virtual reality in clinical applications (