What is the society’s main goal?
MotusAcademy is a society committed to providing continuous education and valuable insights into advanced robotics and AI, with a specific focus on rehabilitative healthcare. Our main objective is to encourage scientific progress, research, and innovation through educational initiatives and events. Furthermore, we strive to facilitate meaningful connections and collaboration among healthcare professionals, engineers, clinicians, researchers, rehabilitation physicians, and individuals seeking care in this field. By promoting knowledge exchange and interdisciplinary engagement, MotusAcademy endeavours to drive advancements in rehabilitation technology and enhance rehabilitative healthcare practices.
Is there a personal story behind the establishment of the society?
The healthcare industry is experiencing numerous revolutionary breakthroughs, and the key to success lies in sharing this knowledge with fellow professionals. At MotusAcademy, we strongly believe in the value of collaboration, and leverage technology to establish closer relationships with healthcare providers and industry partners. We strive to create a comprehensive platform that facilitates the exchange of information.
Why did your society decide to take part in the RehabWeek?
RehabWeek is a great platform for professionals to come together, exchange knowledge, collaborate, and expand their network in the dynamic field of rehabilitation. This event brings experts from diverse disciplines to highlight the latest research and developments, which effectively brings progress to rehabilitation. It also facilitates the integration of cutting-edge technologies into clinical practice. The event is an ideal forum for meaningful networking and knowledge exchange, aligning perfectly with our organizational goals. With its first-ever presence in Asia, this event presents an excellent opportunity for the industry to advance further.
Why is RehabWeek unique and why should people attend?
At RehabWeek, multiple conferences and workshops are brought together to provide a holistic experience. This inclusive approach enables participants to delve into diverse subjects, technologies, and research discoveries across various rehabilitation disciplines. Additionally, the event boasts influential keynote speakers and presentations by distinguished experts in the field. These sessions offer significant knowledge, stimulating viewpoints, and inspirational ideas, which equip attendees with novel outlooks, drive, and motivation for their work.
What do you think will be the next big issue in the field? Why?
As telecommunication technology, particularly 5G, continues to advance, telerehabilitation is poised to become a breakthrough in the field of rehabilitation. As a result, there is an increasing emphasis on providing rehabilitation services remotely, enabling patients to receive care from the comfort of their homes. This has the potential to enhance accessibility, convenience, and continuity of care. The growth of telerehabilitation is expected to be driven by the emergence of remote monitoring systems, virtual therapy platforms, and wearable devices.
Any success story you would like to share?
MotusAcademy has successfully attracted a diverse group of experts from all over the world to participate in our PACERs program since its inception. The panel of clinical experts that we have curated has helped us to effectively promote technology adoption to the public, healthcare institutions, and other clinicians. In addition, we have been invited to speak at several academic institutions, which is a testament to the growing momentum of MotusAcademy. We remain steadfast in our commitment to promoting industry advancements even further.
Visit the website of MotusAcademy for more information.