Promotional Toolkit

Promotional Toolkit
Please find below the promotional toolkit for RehabWeek 2025, including the official banners, presentation slides, flyers and other materials/information.

Help Spread the Word About RehabWeek 2025
We invite you to use the materials to promote RehabWeek 2025 within your network, on social media platforms, in lectures and meetings.

Social Media
Join RehabWeek online community to get all news and updates about RehabWeek 2025. Please use the #RehabWeek2025 hashtag when posting about the conference.

Adverts and Brochures
Kindly insert the conference poster in your journals and event programs, and post on notice boards in your hospitals and institutions.

Web Banners
Please use these banners to post on your website, event calendar, and as your e-mail signature.

Regular Banner

E-mail Signature

Presentation Slides Please use our conference slide template in the appropriate format for your presentations at meetings or on screens at events between presentations.

Should you need a version in a different format, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Chicago!

Best Regards,


Congress Secretariat

Office: Kenes M+

Contact Person:

Ms. Helin Ergezer| Marketing & Cross Promotion | E-mail: hergezer@kenes.com